Last weekend, I recycled in the rain. Not the smartest idea in the universe, and yes why not drive.....but stick with me on this thought if you will. We live in such a "convenience" & "short cut" society. A lot of "easy" ways to get things done, or just use your phone and all other manners of for the sake of niceness, "convenience."
We use social media as our platform to communicate, and have inevitably become a diluted society that's forgotten how to communicate face to face. This kind of communication has the power to gain so much more for the individual. There are arguments yes, but this is the new normal or so I'm told. I won't dwell on this, but more leave that thought with you to ponder.
There's something about genuine conversation that fulfils and revitalises the soul. Just a thought my friends.....
Anyways, FURIES REVENGE has arrived and I am so insanely proud of this effort. 72 pages of intense reading. Yes, reading. Not scrolling your phone mindlessly and hitting like buttons and getting lost in the overkill of trend after trend advertising jargle. Just good old fashioned reading. It will make a great gift. Try it. I dare you....