
Freek Productions

It’s been a while

It’s been a while, to paraphrase a great song. Apologies. You know when you reach a point, where you stop and second guess and wonder “why bother?” Yep. It’s silly and one shouldn’t concern themselves with trivial matters, but to quote a line from one of my all time favourite movies ‘The Crow,’ “Nothing’s trivial.” Those words have stuck with me since and whilst far from perfect as a human, one strives to better every day. Sometimes, we push so hard to create and our pride can be tested. 
Well, the creativity is in full force as always, and some amazing ideas are showing great potential. Cannot wait to share these ideas in due course and again, you humans ROCK! 
I’m truly gratefully to you the person, who takes the time to read blogs like this and the creative works. It’s been an emotional journey of late, and making a comic is so much fun, but testing of the energy. I’ve learned a great deal already and meeting some gifted and wonderful people already with similar passions. 
Freakenstein is upon us this week and already filled with a sense of deep pride and accomplishment.

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