FREAKENSTEIN- an inside look
Book vs Comic
Freakenstein is an idea that had evolved over time in my mind. I’d always been such a passionate lover of the graphic novel and movie adaptation, “The Crow.” I loved the idea of a tortured soul that would become a supernatural hero in a very rock n roll setting.
In 2015, my band Darkcell and I and our beloved fifth member, Chippy took off on what would be our biggest adventure yet.
The opportunity to play our music in the US of A. What a trip! For six weeks, we lived the rock n roll dream, which was far from glamorous, but we got through the whole tour intact, against all odds and didn’t kill eachother.
I kept a journal the entire time we were on tour, writing about the whole experience, and eventually transcribed those journals into an unreleased novel, “Lost My Mind in America.” Will I ever release it? Perhaps in good time.
But instead, one day, an idea blossomed.
Take an old idea for a supernatural rock n roll horror story and blend it with a rock n roll back drop, like the journals, and “FREAKENSTEIN” was born.
The ideas were all there. I had the tour and details to use as the canvas, and add a twist of the macabre and create a rock n roll, anti-hero all of my very own.
Simple right? Heh, one could only wish.
With so many true events to work with and scenic locations meticulously detailed, all I needed to do was create my very own nightmare world, drawn from my own emotions and feelings of the music industry and intertwine that into one man’s quest.....actually 4, but they get slaughtered by werewolves and resurrected by voodoo magic and mad science by an eccentric character named Bob.
I wrote the first book in the series, set in Los Angeles, where our tour actually started, but boy did we have some adventures before that began!
The music industry too for me, has been a wild roller coaster ride also. It’s funny how we all know what the problems are, the conspiracies, the joke of free downloads vs artists receiving their fare slice of the pie and the whole, what I like to call the “Two-Minute Noodle Superstars”. Whether its that one top ten hit followed by Luke warm follow up single and over-produced album of filler tracks that a young child will love and grow to embarrassingly admit a love for in their child hood. Yes, we are all guilty. But where did they actually stem from? That’s where I add a little dark forces at work into my story.
I wouldn’t necessarily say satanic forces, so lets just say dark forces that will reveal more as the series develops.
Let’s also add the social media zombification of the human species also into our story and wallah! We have zombies! Yes, the series will explore the Pandora’s box of mobile phone technology, social media addiction and the hunger for acceptance that will lead many if not all into a consumed transformation into zombies, controlled to take over, along with the dark forces of music app software that will control what people listen to. �Eventually, add Vampires, werewolves and various creatures of the night let loose to infiltrate and slaughter all who oppose, namely the rock n roll community.
Our beloved hero starts a quest, following the very tour trail, his band were meant to follow, before they questioned authority and met a bloody death.
Freakenstein will discover, the band isn’t really dead, Bob is a guardian angel of sorts, and Chippy is there for the ride to drink beer and kick some artificial music loving, zombie riddled ass.
I want to take this moment to say thanks so much to all who have supported me on this quest so far, and the support inspired me to push further and we are now in production of the “Freakenstein” comic book.
How is this different beside being illustrated?
Well, there’s more twists and slight tweaks added sooner and way more gore and action. I plan to go all out with this and create an appealing series for both formats.
Hell, I even have SPICE ZOMBIES in the comic!
Stay tuned and thanks again.
Stay Freeky,